*But Tom Tom got jealous, so he try to make it as hard as possible-_- *
Wati found this hostel in Ortenberg, we got such a hard time looking for cheap accomodation in the black forest itself, and youth hostel has always been our first choice especially when we are travelling in pack. Anyway, initial intention is it was the cheapest and closest to where we wanted to go, then I found out that it was actually a castle!! Was there since 1167!!!!!
how exciting!!!A real castle!!!We saw it from the express way and it stand out so much right on top of the hill!!! So we followed Tom Tom instruction, turn left turn right and finally he said: destination arrived!!!!
But it was at the bottom of the hill-_-we looked around , din see any obvious entrance/ road, all we saw is normal houses and a big vine yard!! we drove a round the vine yard, but still couldnt find the way up the castle! After asking a old lady, we found a uphill small tiny winding road that only allow one car to pass thru at a time, hoping that it will lead us to our castle..
N the road ended after maybe 1500 meter or so at the top of the hill, with a big tractor parking at the end of the road, that means our car got no chance to turn round and we have to reverse all the way back to the bottom of the hill !!! Reverse on those 180 degree bend souless winding path with 60 degree slope?????
our brain just went blank n stare at each other!!!
N then miracle happened!!! three big german guys appeared from the back of the tractor with one beer bottle in their hand each!!
I went hysteric n start waving in the car n shout: oh human!!! help!!! we are lost!!!!
*I guess at that time we wont even care if this three are serial killers!!! *
haha!!!! so they used their broken english and draw us a map , they even moved the tractor away so we can turn the car around. How sweet!!!! Really cant thank them enuf!! I cant imagine if there is no one up there !!!!
Thank you !!!!!

so it took us like maybe more than 30minutes just go round the small little town looking for our castle, and finally we arrived!!!
empty hall way!!!!
where are all the humans?????????
they are hiding behind the counter!!!
maybe is the winter, din see alot of people around!
But that fit the castle theme!!!cold n lonely!!! yeah!!! I LIKE IT!!!!
I was hopping the room will be bigger but i guess we only got to use the store room:>>
but is good enuf:> with ensuit bathroom..what more can u asked for?
lovely dining hall and the interior!!
next morning woke up looking out of our window:>
Arrived at night, din get the chance to look around the place:>
Thats how the castle looks like:>beauty!!!

thats where we were last night, going round n round looking for the way up!!
Cant imagine how short were those german soldier!!! Dun tell me that is for horses!!!! Horses cannot climb stairs!!
I think this is a great place to stay!!! Only down site is u got to drive to get there or else will be a long up hill walk. Price are reasonable, I am sure ortenberg got so much more to offer but unfortunately we got a tight scedule to follow..
But I will definately recommend this to every one!!!!
Youth Hostel Ortenberg
DO go n stay !!!
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