I cant remember how did we decide to go to Isle of wight, only heard from few people that the place is beautiful n easy to go round, since our friends nv been here, thought why not bring them to a island n let them see the real England's beautiful landscape, but it was raining through out the whole stay..well, good for them as well, not only experience the land scape, also the weather..haha..
we took the island bus to go round the places, really convenient.. whole day bus ticket for all public buses costs 10 pounds / person. kinda expensive..meant for tourist i supposed..we only visited a castle n the famous needle old battery..
view from the castle, the remind me a bit of cornwall cos can see lots of lambs n cows..beautiful,
when we reached the Needle, we r supposed to take this chair lift..
to this small platfrom..
to look at this two cliff..
but because on the day we arrived, the wind speed was 30mph..chair lift not in operation..so we have to climb the cliff to get there..
From walking point of view, i din really enjoy that much, cos was too windy , have to watch out for my hat for not being blown off, n it was raining slightly..but cos we had such a nice company, it odesnt really matter anymore la:>

and there r some serious bikers cycled all the way to the edge of the cliff despited the strong wind...
and there r some serious bikers cycled all the way to the edge of the cliff despited the strong wind...
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