Monday, November 26, 2007

Cant belief is monday again!

what have i been doing for the whole week?

Dun know, spend the whole weekend trying to cough my lung out again!! Wong Yihuey!! How weak can u get??

also spend lots of time reading up books n article,oh well, i tried to read anyway, but mostly just stare blank at the book:>haha, wats new? Also spend some time piss my boss off :> It was fun:>
Got to work really hard in the coming weeks. wish me luck!!
hope will have a great week end ahead:>

Oh ya!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lawyer Chow YW!! Stop sulking about Spain :> u know i always love u..hehe:>

Ciao ciao..

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Dear, cough again? Alamak, u're no more "young", better take a good care ya... :P