At last, I am back to work:> will be slightly busier during the next roster, got a nice offer to Denmark but i have to turn it down COS I GOT NO MORE DAY OFF!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!
Well, i guess i have enuf holidays for this year, is time to sit tight at home n study hard!!!
Some times work with stupid people just make my blood boil..cant help it, if a person dun even know how to deal with a simple phone call, i dun know how that person can even think of wanted to become our in charge. But u nv know..
Haha!! Lots of people might get offended, After all, Segrada Familia is the most famous church in Spain..but u cant blame me for that, art is very subjective:>

I dun really like the exterior of the temple, all black n weird statue,not quite appealing, not as a church anyway.. if only Gaudi can put some colors like his candy house that will be nice:> But the interior of the building is quite impressive, n is still under construction ( again..wats new in spain:>)
I particularly like the beautiful tinted window n the sun flower design ceiling:>
We queued for almost an hour just to take the lift to the roof top, n we only stay there for less than 30 mins:> nice view but very limited space to move around.
after that we make our way to
park Quell..Park designed by Antoni Gaudi for his favorite friend. It was a really long uphill walk, lucky thanks to the outdoor escalator again:>
It save us lots of energy:>
Full of cactus tree n flowers n rocks n things. N there was an old amigo took interest on us n start dragging us round n wanted to show us the best of spain::> the thong with spain people is they dun care whether u understand spanish or not they will just continue talk n talk in spanish to u:> so this friendly old man was really friendly with us n i can only understand "magnifico"
(magnificent) n " bonito"-( pretty) haha!! but it took us a bit of effort to shake him off, tot he was being so friendly n we dun really want to hurt his feeling u see:>
anyway, we walk down hill towards the main market hall, again i have to bow my head to this great Architect cum artist..
those bright colors n n fancy roof top..
n my sister was telling me to go n look for the Dragon, i was like - wat dragon??

I think u mean this colorful lizard???
so..our last day in Barcelona..over indulged ourselves in the world of Mr Gaudi:> n then we took our time, had our last Tapas in Barcelona, n off we took a night train to Malaga..
Nxt post:>